Winter Junk journal using Craftwork Cards USB.

So it's January and outside it's cold and damp, but inside there's been lots of crafting going on, after a long break from filming and blogging. This year I want to try new crafts and be more creative, so I've started by making a junk journal.

A junk journal is a journal filled with papers of different types and odd scraps. I really enjoyed making it, I used tea dyed papers, which was great fun, took me back to my childhood days! 

The patterned papers I used were from a Craftwork cards USB that I had and also some doilies and small envelopes. I also used my sewing machine to sew the pockets and tuck spots into the papers, so I also improved my sewing skills, well kind of!

I have made a You Tube video to show you the contents of the junk journal and also to show you how I'm using it. I do hope you take a look and have a go, it really was fun to do and I didn't have to follow any rules, it was just what I wanted in my journal, you can make yours as personal as you want to.



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